Display the collection of attachment information.
Sourcecomponents/attachments |
Docs |
Sourcecomponents/attachments |
Docs |
The Attachments component is used in scenarios where a set of attachment information needs to be displayed.
For more properties, see Upload.
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
classNames | Custom class names, see below | Record<string, string> | - | - |
disabled | Whether to disable | boolean | false | - |
getDropContainer | Config the area where files can be dropped | () => HTMLElement | - | - |
items | Attachment list, same as Upload fileList | Attachment[] | - | - |
overflow | Behavior when the file list overflows | 'wrap' | 'scrollX' | 'scrollY' | - | - |
placeholder | Placeholder information when there is no file | PlaceholderType | ((type: 'inline' | 'drop') => PlaceholderType) | - | - |
rootClassName | Root node className | React.CSSProperties | - | - |
rootStyle | Root node style object | React.CSSProperties | - | - |
styles | Custom style object, see below | Record<string, React.CSSProperties> | - | - |
imageProps | Image config, same as Image | ImageProps | - | - |
interface PlaceholderType {icon?: React.ReactNode;title?: React.ReactNode;description?: React.ReactNode;}
Property | Description | Type | Version |
nativeElement | Get the native node | HTMLElement | - |
upload | Manually upload a file | (file: File) => void | - |
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
prefixCls | The prefix of the style class name | string | - | - |
className | Style class name | string | - | - |
style | Style Object | React.CSSProperties | - | - |
item | Attachment, same as Upload UploadFile | Attachment | - | - |
onRemove | A callback function, will be executed when removing file button is clicked, remove event will be prevented when the return value is false or a Promise which resolve(false) or reject | (item: Attachment) => boolean | Promise | - | - |
imageProps | Image config, same as Image | ImageProps | - | - |